A bull elk teaches men about toxic masculinity

Summary: A small incident with a bull elk, a woman, and some men shows the daily clash of cultures that is modern America, as the past meets the New America built by the Left. Elks understand their gender roles. Americans no longer do.

Toxic Masculinity

On September 27, a bull Elk attacked people in Estes Park, Colorado (it was mating season). A man jumped out of the way, fell, and hit his head on a rock. He was hospitalized. The Elk bumped a woman to the ground and poked her with his antlers. She got a few scrapes, but required no medical care. Her friend helpfully recorded the incident. Several men also watched. (Per NBC News.)

Then the criticism began. What was toxic masculinity – machismo – yesterday was men’s cowardice today. This was a small incident, but rich with lessons about what is happening to America. Of course, the injured man was ignored in the chatter.

There was outrage among America’s moral guardians on the Twitterverse.

Why should men help her?

“Ignore and be ignored, as you must already know, is the Prime Tenet.”
—  Twelfth Pilinipsi, first lensperson of Palain 7, in E. E. Smith’s great science fiction novel First Lensman. It will become our new Golden Rule.

Why should a man confront a bull elk – 800 to 1000 pounds, aggressive during the mating season –  to defend a woman he does not know? A few people see the answer.

Chivalry (aka courtly romance), as we know it, is a descendant (or remnant) of western europe’s medieval warrior culture. As such it is deeply patriarchal.

“{It is a} problematic precursor of the highly misogynistic system of modern, Western romantic love. Staging vexed heterosexual liaisons between aristocratic couples within an idealized public sphere of refined court life the High Middle Ages, courtly love has most often appeared to focus men at the expense of women: it is men’s feelings that are expressed and men’s prowess and social standing that are at stake as men practice profess the art of love even though the adored ladylove stands nominally at the center of the process. …

“These diverse literary scenarios derive from a long history of misogyny in a Western patristic tradition that depreciated women and devalued feminine ‘nature’ as a product of Eve’s legacy. In a variety of contexts, courtly ladies are traded in of heterosexual love that systematically occludes their subjects.” (From “Courtly Love: Who Needs It?” by E. Jane Burns in Signs, Autumn 2001.)

For more about this, see R. Howard Bloch’s Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love (1991).

Feminists have long worked to eradicate chivalry, and all aspects of patriarchal culture, from our society. The essence of patriarchy – male leadership and protection of women – has become not just illegitimate but repugnant or evil, along with its system of reciprocal obligations. We watch films in which women respond to warnings or offers of help by men with “I can take of myself” – no matter how overwhelming the danger. We see films of women easily beating up men. We see films of women hitting men – including their boyfriends – for trivial reasons (see some examples). These are our new social norms projected on the big screen.

Under our new system, why should men risk their lives for unrelated women? What is the basis for this moral obligation to act as unpaid volunteer defenders of strangers? That would be considered mad by most men around the world across history. It is seen as quite mad by many young men today. What these feminists and white knights call cowardice they call good sense – fair play in a world run under the rules of fourth-wave feminism (women’s quest for supremacy).

This is the problem with social engineering. Leftists change one part of society, but seldom consider how this change will ripple out and change other social dynamics. Which in turn change other things. The Left has changed many fundamental aspects of US society, and intends to change more in the next few years. Untended consequences will be the next chapter in America’s history.

For More Information

Ideas! For Holiday shopping ideas see my recommended books and films at Amazon. Also, see Chapter One of a story about our future: “Ultra Violence: Tales from Venus.

If you liked this post, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. See all posts about women and gender issues, especially these about the coming reversal of roles.

  1. Women are moving on top of men in America.
  2. The Economist proclaims that men are “The Weaker Sex”.
  3. A new hot trend from Hollywood: women hitting men.
  4. We might become a low testosterone America. More research needed, stat!
  5. Women on Top, chapter 10: the growing gender gap in education.
  6. The Last Jedi: girls rule, giving a New Hope to the galaxy!
  7. Victims no more: the revolution puts women on top of men.
  8. Fake news about the “wage gap”, and the real gender gap.

Books about fourth wave feminism

Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger by Rebecca Traister (2018).

Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women’s Anger by Soraya Chemaly (2018).

Why Women Should Rule the World by Dee Dee Myers (2008).

Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger
Available at Amazon.
Why Women Should Rule the World
Available at Amazon.


28 thoughts on “A bull elk teaches men about toxic masculinity”

  1. That was Men Standing Together Larry. This is the result of feminism. If I had shot that elk, I’d probably be attacked or arrested.

    This is Clown World today.

    1. Longtrail,

      “If I had shot that elk, I’d probably be attacked or arrested.”

      Rightly so. It didn’t hurt anybody. Those idiots in the video should have obeyed the warning signs and stayed away from it.

      “This is the result of feminism. …This is Clown World today.”

      That is an interesting insight, which I didn’t see. From one perspective, fourth-wave feminism is a Clown World phenomenon. That’s worth some thought.

    2. Yeap…

      Since no matter what you do, you’d be attacked and criticized, and not just by feminists, the obvious best choice is to not put yourself at risk and just walk away.

  2. “Why should a man confront a bull elk – 800 to 1000 pounds, aggressive during the mating season –  to defend a woman he does not know?”

    Because my God and my faith commands it, not because of faux chivalry but because the strong are called upon to defend the weak.

    Of course this takes faith, a faith that doing the right thing is it’s own reward and that even in right action you can be criticized or condemed.

    I get your point about social engineering, but rather than standing by, in acting and showing the value of traditional codes of behavior we reveal feminist ideology for the farce it is.

    1. Dave,

      “Because my God and my faith commands it, not because of faux chivalry but because the strong are called upon to defend the weak.”

      That’s a good reason. It is not, however, a cultural norm in America today. Which is the point of this post.

      More broadly, what is the scriptural basis for that belief? (I’m not saying that you are bound or limited by anything in the Bible, of course.) There is much about taking care of children, defending rights of the weak, and defending the weak and poor against evil people. For example, see Psalm 82:3 and Proverbs 31-8.

      But off-the-top of my head, I can’t think of anything that applies to defending an unrelated woman from an Elk.

      “but rather than standing by, in acting and showing the value of traditional codes of behavior we reveal feminist ideology for the farce it is.”

      That’s called “White Knighting.” You are performing for yourself. I doubt you can find many – or any – feminists who are converted by such a display. As the Urban Dictionary explains, it’s considered an oddity on America’s streets.

      1) A man who stands up for a woman’s right to be an absolute equal, but then steps up like a white knight to rescue her any time that equality becomes a burden.

      2) A man who Promotes gender equality but practices special privilege for women.

      1. “But off-the-top of my head, I can’t think of anything that applies to defending an unrelated woman from an Elk.”

        The form of danger is irrelevant, the point is that if you can do something then you do it. And as I mentioned it’s not about women per se, it’s about Christian brotherly love (at least for me).

        “That’s called “White Knighting.” You are performing for yourself. I doubt you can find many – or any – feminists who are converted by such a display”

        Well the point is not to convert the dogmatic, it is to send a signal to the undecided and confused. Men are built by evolution, by God, to deal with danger, often because we are dangerous and agressive ourselves.

        In these situations it is possible to cut through the propaganda and show the bare truth of reality. The fanatics won’t care but that’s when you have a chance to reach the new generation.

        “White knighting” is about trying to appease women and win their favors without any actual risk or danger to the supposed “white knight”. The man who can actually protect a woman or anyone for that matter, is not likely the type to be playing covert mating games and trying to be “nice”.

        Also as you are likely aware the real chivalry was a military code of ethics built to restrain the brutality of warriors within the Christian moral framework. In order to be chivalrous you need to be a warrior first.

      2. Dave,

        “at least for me.”

        Well, at least you recognize that. You don’t give any grounds for your beliefs, other than that you like them and have dreams. While nice, that’s not enough for others to take them seriously.

        ““White knighting” is about trying to appease women and win their favors without any actual risk or danger to the supposed “white knight”. ”

        Bizarrely not just false, but demeaning to those men. Men are often injured or killed playing White Knights. Less now than formerly, of course.

        “aware the real chivalry ”

        This is a sophomoric game, looking at terms with a long and varied history – then declaring one to be the “real” meaning. Chivalry, conservatism, paganism – the meaning of all these labels has greatly changed over time. They are labels, and the meaning at a specific time and place is a “real” meaning.

        The Swastika had one meaning in 6th century India and another in late 20th century Europe. Neither was “the” real meaning.

      3. “They are labels, and the meaning at a specific time and place is a “real” meaning.”

        Yes, but reach back into the past in order to understand the history of these terms can help you reclaim them. As you’ve noted before, chivalry in the modern sense is dead or dying, yet that doesn’t mean the idea of the stronger protecting the weaker is irrelevant.

        “Men are often injured or killed playing White Knights. Less now than formerly, of course.”

        That is a definition of white knighting that I as a millennial have never heard before today. I’ve only ever encountered it in the context of the internet and maybe certain social settings where a man is trying to win the good graces of a woman or women in general by acting like an evolved feminist while simultaneously putting them on a pedestal.

        I think it is you who is unfair in assuming that all men who sacrificed themselves for women or society were merely “white knighting”. That is applying a very modern term to behaviors that had other reasoning and that had existed for millennia past as a consequence of the very real biological and gender role differences between men and women.

        “While nice, that’s not enough for others to take them seriously.”

        People can take them as they want. The idea of brotherly love and self-sacrifice is firmly rooted in Christianity and does not refer specifically to women but rather the weaker in general. These are not “my” dreams or ideas.

    2. Of course this takes faith, a faith that doing the right thing is it’s own reward and that even in right action you can be criticized or condemed.

      You could also be killed. Who will look after your family should that happen? (A: No one) And let’s face it, you wouldn’t be successful in shooing it away. That said, it is possible to help, as the guy who ran to get a pickup truck did. Yeah, he didn’t look like a gallant white knight, butt he was effective.

      1. Well that’s what life insurance and extended family are for. Of course it doesn’t work without a real society, a community. In my case if something happens to me I do have quite a few people that would step up, as I have done in the past.

        And no I’m not saying charge the bull or something foolish, and yes pickup is help. I’m just saying don’t stand by and do nothing.

      2. Dave,

        “Of course it doesn’t work without a real society, a community.”

        Can you give us an example of a “real society” by your definition. I suspect they are rare, and even then include only a small fraction of the community.

        Also, that implies that communities that don’t meet your personal standards are not “real”? Your comments tell us what proper behavior is, what proper values are, and now what a proper community is. Do you see a pattern here? A bit much, perhaps.

      3. “Also, that implies that communities that don’t meet your personal standards are not “real”

        That can be said of any opinion regarding standards, clearly they are my own but that does not mean we cannot figure out what qualities a good society has.

        Perhaps I should have written “good” rather than “real” because obviously you can have a very bad society that is brutally real to the people that live in it.

        What I am referring to is a society where people back each other up, where they support one another and to paraphrase a Bruce Springsteen song, where no one crowds you and nobody goes it alone.

        I am also referring to the idea of a wider family that creates a bridge between individuals and the towns and cities they inhabit. This can be comprised of close friends or it can be cousins, aunts uncles, etc.

        The point is that the burden is not just on your shoulders to sink or swim. That makes it possible to take risks and hopefully stick your neck out for strangers when doing so could come at a cost.

        A bunch of atomized individuals with no experience in working with others and no sense of obligation towards one another is easily defeated by both wild beast and plutocratic predator.

  3. The guys in the video must have thought; “What’s my incentive to help her? What’s in it for me?”

    And to extraploate, in general; “Why should I sacrifice myself, my interests for this culture? What do I get?”

    The answer, of course, is nothing. No respect, reward, esteem, protection, benefits, love, pleasure. There is nothing there anymore. Good luck to the world now that men (particularly Anglos) are waking up to that.

    Sorry, but this video was a delight to me. It’s such a metaphor. She even wears red to bait her own victimhood so that her points can be made. Much like Anglo women inviting marauders into their backyards. Just to bait attacks in order to criticize their males.

    Would a woman help me in this situation? No
    Would a woman ever be called a coward for not helping me? No.
    Would a woman ever be expected to help me? No
    Is there gratitude for men when they sacrifice themselves for women? No

    Are there women at family courts risking their lives/careers to help men who are under attack? No.

    And on and on.

    I would never risk my safety for a woman in this culture.

      1. I think White Knighting has evolved. Boomer White Knighting would be placing yourself in harm’s way to defend a stranger. Today it means kissing a feminist’s behind on the Internet.

    1. The guys in the video must have thought; “What’s my incentive to help her? What’s in it for me?”

      There is also a sense of self preservation. I think few people think of an elk bull as a fearsome creature (it’s a kind of deer after all, right?) until they actually see one. It’s as dangerous as a mountain lion, maybe even more. When they wander down my street (a fairly rare occurrence as they prefer to hang out at the nearby golf course) I give them a wide berth, even when in my car.

      1. Frank,

        “There is also a sense of self preservation.”

        That’s an important point omitted from the “you cowards” cries. In films and TV people do great deads without so much as getting their hair mussed. Falling out of moving cars, falling from heights, fighting with people and animals. In the real world, we are fragile. The one injury in this incident was a guy trying to get away.

        For what should these men risk their lives? For what principle? For what reward?

        The new values of feminism rule, but many people still believe – delusionally – that the ancient ones can be deployed when convenient.

      1. My guess? An attack helicopter.

        “I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me ‘Apache’ and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.”

        — By Team Fortress 2 user Guuse on 17 March 2014. From Know Your Meme.

    2. “The answer, of course, is nothing. No respect, reward, esteem, protection, benefits, love, pleasure”

      Doing the right thing has never been rewarded in this world, in fact it has often been brutally punished.

      If you are the sort of person that acts only to receive accolades from society you will likely never get them anyway.

      The martyrs that built civilization didn’t wait for social support and earthly rewards to act.

      And it’s not even true, the women worth having go crazy for masculine men.

      Before marriage my greatest successes with women came the farther away I got both from the confused feminist nonsense and the resentment that things are not as easy for men as the past or women are not as good.

      Both are loser mentallties.

      Women and men are deep down the same as we always have been. Ignore the culture and they will too.

  4. I think the guy in the pick-up was the modern knight in many ways, the knight of old had armour, a heavy horse to ride, a lance and shield and finally a sword and dagger. Movies have given us an idealised martial ability, if it had been one or two unarmed men attacking her to rob her, I am sure a group of those guys would soon get involved, but the reality is the new super female able to beat guys in fights does often exist outside movies or wasn’t going for a walk in the park that day.

    Fighting the elk would be like fighting that fully armoured knight, armed with a light jacket wrapped round one arm and a smart Phone in the other hand, good luck. I would do it for my wife or kids.

    1. Just a guy,

      “I think the guy in the pick-up was the modern knight in many ways”

      Not in the slightest.

      (1) He was a park employee.

      (2) The fights of knights that were chivalrous were against other knights or soldiers with pikes and crossbows – often fatal – or (in fiction) against dragons and other monsters.

      “Fighting the elk would be like fighting that fully armoured knight”

      I don’t believe anyone (other than the mad) would attempt to “fight” the elk. If a guy wanted to help, it would have been by distracting the elk so others could pull her out. As usual with manly endeavors, it works better when done by pack. It would have been dangerous, but not suicidal – like fighting the elk.

  5. Let’s say I do something and get hurt. Who is going to pay my medical Bill’s and feed my family?

    There was a similar story last year in the UK where a woman was attacked by an Asian on the train and the men left and didn’t help her.

    What happend to woman man fish bicycle? I routinely see 100lb women kicking the shit out of muscle men in the movies.

    As you say, social engineers forgot about the second order effects.

  6. Larry,

    You say: “Feminists have long worked to eradicate chivalry, and all aspects of patriarchal culture, from our society. The essence of patriarchy – male leadership and protection of women – has become not just illegitimate but repugnant or evil, along with its system of reciprocal obligations. We watch films in which women respond to warnings or offers of help by men with “I can take of myself” – no matter how overwhelming the danger. We see films of women easily beating up men. We see films of women hitting men – including their boyfriends – for trivial reasons (see some examples). These are our new social norms projected on the big screen.”

    But in this case, the woman DID take care of herself. She played dead, pushed back a bit with her feet, and the bull elk went away, allowing her to emerge from the incident with relatively minor injuries.

    A man jumping into the fray would simply have diverted the bull elk attack to himself for no good reason, and possibly have escalated the problem. There is nothing particularly feminist about assuming, despite evidence to the contrary, that the woman needed the men’s assistance or that they could have magically done something about it just because they are men.

    I will take an occasional nudge by a bull elk over patriarchy, thanks!

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