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Most-read posts on the FM website in 2012

Here are the posts you, our readers, found most interesting in 2012.  Don’t recognize some?  You might find them worth reading.

Did any of them make an impression on you?  How do they read months later?  Tell us in the comments!

  1. Japan can again become the land of the rising sun. We should watch and learn from them.
  2. Women dominate the ranks of college graduates. What’s the effect on America?
  3. Will China become a superpower?
  4. Should we despair, giving up on America?
  5. What does the future hold for the US Army – and America?
  6. Preparing for the Evacuation of Israel
  7. The global economy is sitting on a volcano. What happens next?
  8. Attention Americans: the Revolution has begun. You must choose a side.
  9. RIP, Constitution. The Second Republic died this week. Of course, we don’t care (that’s why it died).
  10. What every American needs to know about the Federal Reserve System
  11. Cyberwar, the Power of Nightmares
  12. We ask the mineshaft: what went wrong with the Tea Party Movement?
  13. “Some people just want to see the world burn”
  14. Still good news: global temperatures remain stable, at least for now.
  15. Europe has chosen a harsh future. All the paths for Greece lead into darkness.
  16. A letter from Lt Col Daniel L. Davis, who is a fulcrum that can move a nation – should we choose to help him
  17. Roubini tells us some harsh truths about the present and future of the world economy
  18. Doug Macgregor explains how our military reached its current state, so only desperate reform can save us
  19. A look at forecasts for peak oil – and the end of civilization
  20. Our rulers are skilled at running information operations (but less so at running America)

All time top posts, from our start in November 2007 (excluding those listed above)


  1. Obama makes his first major policy error
  2. A solution to our financial crisis
  3. Peak Oil Doomsters debunked, end of civilization called off
  4. An article giving strong evidence of global warming
  5. What will America look like after this recession?
  6. Everything written about the economic crisis overlooks its true nature
  7. A major leak of government secrets – read all about it!
  8. More about pirates: why we no longer “hang them high”
  9. Good news about global warming!
  10. A picture of the post-WWII debt supercycle
  11. Update: why has the worst recession since the 1930′s had so little impact on the economy?
  12. Why has the worst recession since the 1930′s had such a mild effect on America?
  13. The media doing what it does best these days, feeding us disinformation
  14. This crisis will prove that Americans are not sheep (unless we are)
  15. Please read this. For the sake of yourself, your children, and their children



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