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Clinton lost because fear failed, and voters disliked her Social Justice Warriors

Summary: Political gurus gush forth with explanations for Trump’s victory in the Electoral College (although more Americans voted for Clinton). They discuss arcane strategy, the effect of the media, personalities, and scores of other things (mostly trivial). But there are two elephants in the room. First, Clinton relied on the politics of fear, which surprisingly failed. Second, Social Justice Warriors (her shock troops) terrified voters — who realized the power SJW’s would wield as commissars in an HRC administration. Together these two factors account for her support dropping by the tiny margin that led to defeat in the Electoral College.

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images.

(1)  Clinton’s politics of fear failed

“He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.”
By Aristotle, from Joannes Stobaeus’ Florilegium.

The Democrats ran the anything but issues campaign on the fear Trump platform. Fear climate change, fear sexism, fear racism, fear nativism, fear Russia, fear fascism, fear NAZIs, etc.  These created a weak foundation for Clinton’s campaign, especially as she spent so little effort describing an alternative great future for America.

The Putin connection was only weakly supported and extremely speculative. The non-Left majority of Americans was skeptical about the odds of severe danger from climate change. The -ism’s became ineffective after decades of the Left using them as generic attacks on all their foes. Saying Trump was Hitler just triggered Godwin’s Law, probably ending many people’s interest in her message.

For all his clownish behavior and many flaws, Trump offered an action-based plan and a vision for a better America that appealed to many voters. It was a classic case of something beating nothing.

(2)  Social Justice Warriors torpedo Clinton

Feminists began a new campaign in the year before the primaries campaign, attacking the “rape culture on campuses. It featured the usual exaggerated statistics, absurd claims (always believe the victim, unless Bill Clinton is involved), and mandatory indoctrination classes. culminating in the September 2014 signing of the bizarre California law requiring explicit consent to sex (but only for college students) and the November Rolling Stone article about the University of Virginia (the next month admitting its errors, for which they were found guilty of defamation).

In 2015 the Left began the campaign for LGBT rights, especially for transgendered people. This included the next phase in their program to re-engineer gender roles, allowing men into women’s bathrooms (large symbolic and emotional significance, despite the Left’s mockery of any who protested this). This culminated in the announcements that there were 31 genders, the trendy choice of your gender pronouns (“‘Ze’ is a pronoun of choice for the student newspaper at Wesleyan, while ‘E’ is one of the categories offered to new students registering at Harvard.”), and the New York Times approving “Mx” as the transgender title.

The timing of these proved fatal for Clinton’s campaign. Even more than racism, these social justice campaigns have become a “third rail” of political discourse, untouchable by sensible people. But opposition to them remains strong — although hidden and mostly ignored by the news media. Americans want to control the evolution of our society, not the Left’s social engineers.

I believe fear of what a Hillary Administration would do accounts in part for the unexpected weakness of her support by women and even minorities. Americans did not need to consult Nostradamus’ prophecies to realize that Hillary Clinton’s social justice warriors would shift the social engineering gears from Team Obama’s “slow” to Warp 7 — with the full force of the Federal government’s power behind them.

Per 538, one percent of voters shifting from Trump to Clinton would have given her a decisive victory. Clinton might have been defeated by the work of her allies.

For more about these campaigns by the Left see — Are forms to sign before having sex progress or madness? False rape accusations tell us something important about America. The University of Virginia “rape culture” story crashes and burns — Will this become a story of failed agitprop or a win for the Left?  It’s time to forcibly re-shape America to fight the campus rape epidemic, even if it’s fake.

Click to enlarge.

Understanding the results of Campaign 2016

For More Information

Abby Ohlheiser, a liberal at the WaPo, trace the history of the term “social justice warrior” and attempts to understand what it means: “Why ‘social justice warrior,’ a Gamergate insult, is now a dictionary entry“.

There are other articles discussing the role of SJW’s in the election. “Trump vs. Political Correctness” by James Taranto, op-ed in WSJ. “Trump Won Because Leftist Political Correctness Inspired a Terrifying Backlash” by Robby Soave in Reason.

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There is always a counter-revolution

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