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What are the odds of violence from the Right in America?

Summary:  Violence is as American as apple pie, part of most social movements since the Founding (used for, against, or both). Might it burst forth again? If so, by whom? The Left feels strongly about climate change, but looks like a spent force — capable of staging street parties but not violence. Political energy, for good or ill, lives in America more strongly on the Right (stoked by our plutocrats, for their advantage). They’re buying guns. Might they use them? This is another post in a series considering possible futures for America unlike those painted in the mainstream media.

Daily Mail, 27 March 2010



  1. Introduction: political violence in our future?
  2. Our trust in our ourselves: failing
  3. Our trust in our elected representatives: failing
  4. Our confidence in the military: rising
  5. Our history of violence
  6. Other posts in this series about the Right in America
  7. For More Information

(1) Introduction: is there political violence in our future?

Let’s start with the harsh observations from yesterday’s post:

Might the time come when they use their guns on us? Let’s consider our circumstances, and the many warning signs. Imagine if the trends shown below continue, and if America’s current economic stress continues — or increases. What might happen on such a future path?

(2)  Our trust in our elected representatives is falling

Our trust in our fellow Americans is a distinguishing factor between developed nations and failed States. Alienation is a bad sign, and probably a precondition for violence. From Gallup, 27 September 2013. Look at the line for Republicans.


(3)  Our trust in our elected representatives is failing

Another distinguishing factor between well-run States and failed States. Lack of confidence in our democratic institutions is another precondition (but of course not sufficient by itself) for violence.  From Gallup, 27 September 2013. Look at the line for Republicans.

(4)  But we have increased confidence in the military

A classic warning sign: falling confidence in our fellow citizens and political institutions — but growing confidence in the military. From Gallup’s 2013 Confidence in Institutions survey. They do not show the data by party, but the gap between the parties is probably large — and growing.

(5) America’s History of violence

Before expecting nothing but choruses of “Kumbaya” in our future, look at our past. We have been a violent people since the Founding. Starting in the second year of Washington’s first term, the Whiskey Rebellion played a pivotal role in defining the powers of the Federal government (see Wikipedia). Since then violence has shaped a large number of our political movements, used either by activists or in opposition by powerful interest groups and the government. Perhaps we have changed into a peaceful people (albeit with the largest military-police budget on Earth).

(a)  Violence to Afro-Americans, from the Founding until the massive race starting in the mid-1960s. See this list at Wikipedia.

(b)  Violence to immigrants and Native Americans: see this list at Wikipedia.

(c)  Political violence by the anarchists (see section #4 of this post).

(d)  Violence to unions: see this series by Erik Loomis (Asst Prof of History, U RI). The length of the list shows the intensity of the struggle to organize American workers for decent pay and conditions. That most of us enjoy these things now is the result of their effort, The toll these people paid is as much a cost of building America as that paid by members of our armed forces.

Lots of images like this on the Right

(6)  Other posts in this series about the Right in America

  1. The key to modern American politics:  the Right-Wing Id Unzipped, 15 February 2012
  2. A harsh clear look at the history of the Republican Party, 22 September 2013
  3. Conservatives show us their thinking, not well glued to reality, 30 September 2013
  4. Most of what Democrats say is wrong about the Republicans’ recent actions in Congress, 1 October 2013

(7)  For More Information

Giving you something to worry about — look at some of the political trends in America:

  1. Is the US government illegitimate? If so, does that justify violent revolution?, 10 April 2010
  2. America is the new Rome. Late Republican Rome (not the best of times), 13 October 2011
  3. What will replace the Constitution in Americans’ hearts? Let’s check for Fascism., 29 March 2012
  4. A look at the future of the Republic: we will choose leaders that we trust, 14 May 2012
  5. A look at the future of the Republic: we will choose leaders that we trust, not the ones we need (part 2), 15 May 2012
  6. Undercutting people’s trust in the Republic: another step to destroying the Republic, 27 August 2012
  7. Under the cloak of liberalism America slides to Fascism, 20 October 2012
  8. Gallup sounds an alarm, again, about our lack of confidence in ourselves, 25 July 2013



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