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Forms to sign before having sex. Progress or madness?

Summary: A benefit of age is watching the succession of generations, each inverting the values of those before. The young boomers campaigned for free love and the right to say “f**k!” in public., and rioted against the war and racism. Five decades later campuses activists enact legalistic codes regulating speech and sex that Puritans would die for.  This post looks at the cutting edge in control of sex, and what these things show about America.  {1st of 2 posts today.}

Will this become standard equipment for Millennials?


Affirmative Consent =
………“Yes Means Yes”

The Affirmative Consent Project produces
a consent game changer:
the Consent Conscious Kit


Tomorrow, or next week, or next month, how can you prove that you had her affirmative consent? If you are students, you might find your self before a kangaroo court with rules that the barons at Runnymede would consider primitive, without counsel, and without the ability to confront your accusers. The Project’s leaders say “We are here to get you talking, and keep you safe.” If you talk enough there will be no sex, and you be safe.

The kit contains a Consent Sex Contract, a condom, breath mints, and a pen. The easy way to attempt to prove consent is to have her sign this form, and then take a selfie (remember the blood samples to prove she was capable of giving consent). Keep the form and photo in your files.

Everyone would benefit from regular use of this kit! Videos of sex have already saved men from rape charges (e.g., the Hofstra incident). Women too benefit, too. A guy who whips this out at the key moment provides a girl with definitive evidence of his beta-ness in time for her to bail out.

“Consent is to be determined from the perspective of the complainant.
— A common interpretation of the 1999 Canadian case of Regina vs. Ewanchuk.

Berkeley 1968: not like today’s docile students.

What this means

This package is a logical development in our increasingly legalistic society, as the Left’s progress-through-litigation strategy inevitably turns its attention to sex. Men have few defenses campus “star chambers” given the widespread belief that the woman’s perspective defines consent, that women seldom falsely accuse of rape, and the lack of evidence needed to prove guilt.

These calls for men to obtain explicit consent at each stage in the bedroom nicely demonstrates American’s gradual domestication during the past 50 years. Imagine the reaction if these were read to Berkeley’s students in 1968! Whatever their excesses, they had convictions and energy missing from our time.

These campaigns — and the inevitable regulations and laws (like California’s) that follow — are rich fodder for comedy by people like Lenny Bruce or Woody Allen (e.g., in “Bananas”). If America had such people today. But the closest we have are Trey Parker and Matt Stone of “South Park”.

For a larger perspective, in Closing of the American Mind (1987) Allan Bloom explains the deeper forces at work. In this excerpt he foresees trends that were only embryonic in his time. Later chapters speculate about our future.

Available at Amazon.


… Now we have arrived at one of the ultimate acts in our drama, the informing and reforming of our most intimate private lives by our principles. Sex and its consequences … have finally become the theme of the national project, and here the problem of nature, always present but always repressed in the reconstruction of man demanded by freedom and equality, becomes insistent.

… The change in sexual relations, which now provide an unending challenge to human ingenuity, came over us in two successive waves in the last two decades. The first was the sexual revolution; the second, feminism. The sexual revolution marched under the banner of freedom; feminism under that of equality. Although they went arm in arm for a while, their differences eventually put them at odds with each other, as Tocqueville said freedom and equality would always be.

… {Feminism} ends, as do many modern movements that seek abstract justice, in forgetting nature and using force to refashion human beings to secure that justice. … Just as smoking and drinking overcame puritanical condemnation only to find themselves, after a brief moment of freedom, under equally moralistic attacks in the name not of God but of the more respectable and powerful names of health and safety, so sex had a short day in the sun before it had to be reined in to accommodate the feminist sensibility.

In this case the project is overcoming what is variously called male dominance, machismo, phallocracy, patriarchy, etc., to which men and their female collaborators seem very attached, inasmuch as so many machines of war must be mounted against them. Male sexual passion has become sinful again because it culminates in sexism. Women are made into objects, they are raped by their husbands as well as by strangers, they are sexually harassed by professors and employers at school and at work, and their children, whom they leave in day-care centers in order to pursue their careers, are sexually abused by teachers. All these crimes must be legislated against and punished.

What sensitive male can avoid realizing how dangerous his sexual passion is? Is there perhaps really original sin? Men had failed to read the fine print in the Emancipation Proclamation. The new interference with sexual desire is more comprehensive, more intense, more difficult to escape than the older conventions, the grip of which was so recently relaxed.

The July 14 of the sexual revolution was really only a day between the overthrow of the Ancien Regime and the onset of the Terror. The new reign of virtue, accompanied by relentless propaganda on radio and television and in the press, has its own catechism, inducing an examination of the conscience and the inmost sentiments for traces of possessiveness, jealousy, protectivenesss — all those things men used to feel for women.

There are, of course, a multitude of properly indignant censors equipped with loudspeakers and inquisitional tribunals.


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