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What to expect from Team Hillary in the White House

Summary: It’s time to tear ourselves from laughing at the dramatic self-destruction of Trump and consider what we will see in the Hillary Administration. Here are three predictions. Imagine the tendencies of the Obama Administration, but far more aggressive. Note: I’ve been accurate so far (a year ago predicting Trump’s strength, and in March predicting his crushing defeat).



  1. Our mad wars continue, with more assassinations.
  2. Aggressive enforcement of political correctness.
  3. Scouring of the climate skeptics.
  4. For More Information.


(1)  The long mad war continues, with more assassinations

This week former CIA Director Michael Morell endorsed Hillary in the NYT; she proudly tweeted about it. He has a scary record as a supporter of the failed tactics in our mad wars.

“After leaving the CIA in 2013, Morell authored a memoir entitled The Great War of Our Time: The CIA’s Fight Against Terrorism–From al Qa’ida to ISIS. The book was widely criticized for defending detainee torture in the post-9/11 era. Morell was also a co-author of a “rebuttal” to the Senate Intelligence Committee torture report.” {From The Intercept.}

He works for Beacon Global Strategies (a small firm) with another top-level Hillary operative. He was interviewed by Charlie Rose and said something that deserves our attention.

Morell: “The Iranians were making us pay a price. We need to make the Iranians pay a price in Syria. We need to make the Russians pay a price.”

Rose: “You make them pay the price by killing Russians? And killing Iranians?”

Morell: “Yes. Yes. Covertly. You don’t tell the world about it, right? You don’t stand up at the Pentagon and say we did this. Right? But you make sure they know it in Moscow and Tehran.”

This lunatic doesn’t mention how the Russians will respond to America’s assassination of their people (it won’t be pretty). The full interview is worse.

(2) More aggressive enforcement of the Left’s political correctness

After giving the 1% everything they want, Clinton will placate the Left by unleashing the government’s administrative machinery to enforce the Left’s social ideology. We will see a lot more of this, even worse.

Jessica Gomes poses for Sports Illustrated in Yellowstone. The WaPo freaks.

Michael Nichols/National Geographic.

“As the National Park Service confronts what Interior Secretary Sally Jewell has called a ‘culture’ of sexual harassment, the agency allowed barely clad swimsuit models to take photos with iconic park backdrops.”  {Opening of the WaPo story.}

Calling Jewell “barely clad” illustrates the New Victorianism of the 21st century puritans that will staff the upper levels of the Clinton administration. How dare the Park Service allow girls in swimsuits to pollute our great National Parks!

(3)  Scouring of the climate skeptics

“We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”
— The essence of politics, attributed to both Franklin and loyalist Richard Penn.

Obama strove, with mixed results, to be a conciliator and unifier of America. Clinton will instead strive, as the Clinton’s always have, to crush their political foes. The climate skeptics have earned a spot near the top of that list.

Skeptics are vulnerable to retaliation due to their disorganization and disunity (unlike the climate activists), their epistemic closure (reliance on communication in a closed network of websites), and their association with the far-right (self-isolation rather than coalition-building). Historians might conclude that they bloomed with the “pause” and wilted as warming resumed (climate change in the mid- and late-21st century will determine who was correct, although that’s politically irrelevant in our time).

They hope for rescue by global cooling (perhaps a strong La Nina) and President Trump. Neither of those seems likely (see pp24-25 for the current forecast of a weak La Nina). They might find the results unpleasant.

For More Information

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