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Trump is the next logical step as America becomes a plutocracy

Trump is just the next step in the natural evolution of America into a plutocratic state. The US — like the rest of the West — was sliding along this path until the great depression and WWII destroyed that regime.

Our elites have spent several generations rebuilding their institutional power. Now new technology and massive immigration are further increasing their power, shifting the balance from labor to capital. The US public is gullible, apathetic, passive.  Easy prey.

“If God didn’t want them sheared, he would not have made them sheep.”
— Calvera, bandit leader in the movie “The Magnificent Seven” (1960).

Both parties are owned by our plutocratic elites. Campaign 2016 revealed this, for those who wish to see. Hillary was supported by the war industry (i.e., neocons, military-industrial complex, senior elements of the national security complex, geopolitical “experts”) and Wall Street. Six weeks after the election, we learn that they just as eagerly support Trump.

Both parties hide this simple fact through misdirection. Rather than show that Team Trump consists largely of plutocrats and their servants, much of the Left touts Trump as Hitler. Rather than point to Obama’s loyal service to Wall Street and the MIC, the right said touted Obama as Hitler. In this respect both Left and Right are the anything but the truth parties.

In our future lies the Third Republic.

Our future

The capacity for renewal (revival, reform) is an inherent characteristic of humanity. This makes predictions always uncertain, although it is usually clear how to bet. It means there is always hope. But reform is impossible unless we see our world more clearly — in terms other than the tribal truths that keep us divided.

For More Information

For more about this Team Trump: See the Left’s mad reaction to Team Trump (they’re plutocrats, not fascists) and Trump assembles a Strategic and Policy Forum to better hear the 1%. Also see “Trump’s wealthy cabinet choices hark back to Gilded Age” by Shawn Donnan in the Financial Times — “Few precedents for collection of billionaires and their lack of government experience.”

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  1. The project to reform America: a matter for science or a matter of will?
  2. Realism about the prospects for reform in America.
  3. Politics in modern America: A users’ guide for journalists and reformers.
  4. Warning: the income gap between races is widening in America.
  5. The headlines show America being dismantled. It’s time to act, not just watch.

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