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The Left sees President Trump and goes mad

Summary: Sometime in 2015 the Left caught fire. This fire still burns hot, with a flame pleasing to the Right. It shows that the Left is lost in their delusions, and will offer only loud but ineffective resistance to Trump.

Good liberals look at the American people and see themselves (i.e., the good and the wise). They see the loyal minorities. They see the deplorables. It’s a political vision incompatible with winning.

“But I think there’s an explanation {for Trump’s win} that runs more true to the facts and human psychology. These voters want to divorce themselves of responsibility for doing anything for the folks falling down the ladder. “They’re f**king assholes.”

— Once posted at Lawyers, Guns, and Money. I don’t see it now. Perhaps it was deleted.

Benjamin Franklin in the film 1776 gave a good reply to this.

“These men, no matter how much we may disagree with them, are not ribbon clerks to be ordered about – they are proud, accomplished men …And whether you like them or not, they and the people they represent will be part of this new nation that YOU hope to create. Now, either learn how to live with them, or pack up and go home!”

Many good Leftists explain the election results as a result of American’s racism. They have their own values, which they wish to impose on America.

“Speaking only for myself, I’m committed to open borders as a moral position rather than an economic one. So it doesn’t have a lot of relevance in discussions about the relevant economics.”
— Comment posted at Lawyers, Guns, and Money. I don’t see it now. Perhaps it was deleted.

How many immigrants would the US have with open borders? Could we culturally or economically absorb them without massive damage? No problem! Being a leftist means never having to say you’re sorry.

Contradictions SO high
By Shakezula at Lawyers, Guns, and Money, 9 November 9, 2016.

“This a.m. I overheard a man burbling about how Trump would be a break from the status quo. I did not shout. So would me hitting you with a shoe. (It would for me. Perhaps he gets hit with shoes all of the time.)

“I know some people are excited about the prospect of Trump burning everything down because they’re too stupid, callous and lazy to enjoy normal forms of entertainment. And lord knows there’s no shortage of self-satisfied dingbats who think pronouncing status quo with a sneer makes them cool. But it was unsettling to realize I was breathing the same air as one of these nimrods.”

That’s an interesting perspective on Trump’s campaign. Unfortunately that post doesn’t show the factual basis for its conclusions. That’s sad, otherwise one might suspect Shakezula of fantasizing foes. For a clearer view of the modern Left, in all its futile glory, we should look to Matthew Yglesias as he reacts to this terrifying sight.

A bien pensant liberal demonstrates why they are out of power,
& will remain so for a long time. Matthew Yglesias  reacts.

Watch “Portlandia” To see America after 8 years of Hillary Clinton

“Portlandia” is a TV show by good liberals providing a look at the Left’s vision of America. No advertisements of Trump so clearly warn America about the Left. Watch this short through to the end. The second skit shows gender relations in the New America. Note the genders of the actors. It makes little difference in HRC’s America.


For More Information

If you liked this post, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. See all posts about the far left, about the Trump era, about paths to political reform, and especially these…

  1. Clinton lost because fear failed, and her SJW’s terrified voters.
  2. Can the Left adapt to the Trump era? Watch their climate activists for clues.
  3. The Left goes hysterical over Trump, giving him a free ride as President.
  4. The headlines show America being dismantled. It’s time to act, not just watch.
  5. Trump is the next logical step as America becomes a plutocracy.

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