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Men find their own solutions to the gender wars

Summary: As the gender wars continue with no end in sight, men find their own solutions as individuals. Some learn Game to get casual sex. Some Go Their Own Way. Both feel good for a while. I doubt either will work for men or America over the long-term. Social problems require social solutions, people working together to build a better future (the last post in this series discusses this).

I believe the gender wars have moved beyond the point at which understanding of their causes can help. The most we can do is clearly see what is happening, speculate about what comes next, and prepare. This is the second post about three solutions that are seldom discussed.

  1. A return to traditional values.
  2. Men finding individual solutions.
  3. Part 1 – An expert discusses individual solutions.
  4. Part 2 – Discussing women’s responses to men’s solutions.
  5. Part 3 – An expert looks into the future and sees wonders ahead.
  6. Part 4 – An expert: respect is a key battleground in the gender wars.
  7. Part 5 – An expert’s insight: Game is toxic to feminism.
  8. Part 5 – Rebuilding men’s self-respect is a solution to the gender wars.
  9. A counter-revolution in society.

There is a large and growing genre of media telling men how to cope with the gender wars. None of them will work well for men over the long-term. None will work well for America over the long-term.


“I’m directing this essay at you, a Christian,…these techniques and advice are literally FROM THE DEVIL. …you can actually train yourself to look at women …as less than human, so that you are no longer afraid of their opinion of you, then your long career of striking out will be over. You will go from being terrified of beautiful women to knowing how to spot the ones {you can bed}…You will laugh at your old self, who somehow was intimidated by a half-naked 115 pound creature in heels.”

— “An Essay for Single Christian Men” by Christian economist Robert P. Murphy. He files this advertisement for Game under “deep thoughts.” H/t Dalrock. Update: Dr. Murphy’s comment below says that posting his quote that “these techniques and advice are literally FROM THE DEVIL” is an endorsement of these techniques. Which team is he on?

The invaluable Urban Dictionary has a good definition of “Game.” Here is the opening.

“It’s confidently using your attributes, characteristics, and overall personality to win the affection of the woman you want. You can’t have game if you don’t know yourself; you can’t be confident in what you’re ignorant of. Game is playing the cards you’re dealt and WINNING; turning your positives into swagger (not ‘swag’) and your negatives into charm.”

A briefer version is that game is the response to women’s liberation. Many of today’s young women have unleashed hypergamy (Wikipedia), expressed as delayed marriage — filling the time chasing alpha men. This leaves most men — betas — on the sidelines as a pareto distribution governs the mating game and ~20% of the guys get ~80% of the women. Game teaches men to imitate alpha’s behaviors.

The testimony of men using Game is clear – it helps men hook-up with women, to the extent that men can use it. That is, it provides incremental benefits proportional to the user’s skill. The internet overflows with vivid tales of success use of Game. Much or most of this is probably fake, but the large user base shows some level of effectiveness.

The experience of using or watching Game is closely linked to Red Pill insights about the gender wars (see definition 4). For example, see this explanation of women’s “hamster” thinking.

Probably the major effect of Game and Red Pill results from what men learn from those few who succeed. Game requires treating women like animals. Karl Popper said the successful predictions were the gold standard of science. Successful results are the gold standard of gender relations on the street. Discovery, through observation or experience, that Game works is gaining dark knowledge. It’s like reading Niccolò Machiavelli or about the “noble lie” in Plato’s The Republic. Men never again see the world in the same way.

I doubt this works well over the long-term for most men using Game. The side effects might be awful, such as cynicism, a bitter view of the world, and an inability to make a stable relationship with a woman. I wonder if Game is the equivalent of women’s delusion that they can party for ten years than marry the many of their dreams.

For more information about Game, see The war of the sexes heats up: society changes as men learn the Dark Triad and “Celebs Go Dating” shows young women in action.

Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW)

A more common response is MGTOW. It is easier for men to implement and has a larger impact on society. As countless analysts have shown during the past 50 years, in western patriarchal systems, men are socialized to become husbands and fathers – joining the rat race. Now the incentives to do so are eroding away, replaced by the party-of-her-life, marriage, children, and divorce – followed by independence plus child support (vivid details here).

As young men realize this, some decide it is not a rational risk. They decline to join the rat race of education and hard work, following instead the easy path of drugs, booze, porn, casual sex, light work, low stress – and in the future, sexbots. This is our way in modern America. Bold individual solutions! Libertarians!

This is the counter-revolution to our latest experiments on American society (we’re the guinea pigs). This could drastically shake gender relations in America, disrupt its family structure, and perhaps slow its economic growth.

MGTOW feels good for young men. It might become a bad trip as they age. Low incomes and living alone are fine at 25, but less so at 45. These bitter middle-aged men will be the male equivalents of the single cat ladies (today’s party girls expecting to find their soulmate at 30).

  1. The coming crash as men and women go their own way.
  2. Men are abandoning the rat race, & changing American society. — See the data.
  3. Why men are avoiding work and marriage.
  4. Will young men break America’s family structure?
  5. Will today’s young men marry? America’s future depends which of these answers is right.
  6. Our society will be shaped by technology as porn and sexbots destroy 21st century marriage.

All this is men’s response to the great experiment

”Today’s unmarried twenty-something women have given men an ultimatum: I’ll marry when I’m ready, take it or leave it. This is, of course, their right. But ultimatums are a risky thing, because there is always a possibility the other side will decide to leave it. In the next decade we will witness the end result of this game of marriage chicken. …

”The same man may decide a feminine and chaste early 20 something woman is worth the legal risks men face in marriage, while coming to the opposite conclusion for her ten year older former alpha chasing career gal sister.  The older sister is betting that at the end of the day enough successful men will blink when faced with the choice of starting a family with her vs not starting a family at all.  We won’t have to wait too long to see if their gamble is right.

”If it turns out their gamble was incorrect, this would seem likely to precipitate a wide spread power shift in the marriage market.  Just like a real estate market can quickly shift from a sellers’ to a buyers’ market, we could see a sea change where men see themselves as the scarce commodity and women fear being the ones without a seat when the music stops.”

— Dalrock in “Supply and demand in the marriage market.

Dalrock’s insights

Dalrock has some fascinating analysis and commentary about dating and marriage at his website.  Update: see his insightful response to this post.

For More Information

Ideas! For shopping ideas see my recommended books and films at Amazon.

If you liked this post, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. See all posts about women and gender issues, especially these about Game…

  1. The feminist revolutionaries have won. Insurgents have arisen to challenge the new order. As always, they’re outlaws.
  2. As the Left’s social revolution wins victories, a revolt begins.
  3. MeToo discovers that there is always a counterrevolution.

Two books by Professor Regnerus about the revolution

Two books by Professor’s Regnerus about the revolution.

Premarital Sex in America: How Young Americans Meet, Mate, and Think about Marrying (2011).

Strongly recommended: Cheap Sex: The Transformation of Men, Marriage, and Monogamy (2017). See the two posts (above) about it.

Available at Amazon.
Available at Amazon.


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